Friday 24 June 2016

Digital Shopping Without Borders - An Emerging Global Trend Among The Digital Youth

Today, an evolution is occurring that will forever change the relationship between retailers and their customers. This new retail model, known as electronic commerce, consists of

- Mobile commerce supported by mobile devices and tablets

- Emerging social commerce platforms that bring together advertising, shopping and selling in a social media environment (s-commerce)

While the e-commerce piece of retail today is significant and a huge growth engine, the total impact of digital shopping on the retail enterprise today extends to the majority of retail sales. 

Thursday 23 June 2016

The Best Free Apps for the Apple iPad

There are literally thousands of Free Apps available for your iPad 2 from the App store and many being added daily but the majority of them are worth exactly what you pay for them...nothing. I've spent many hours downloading these Apps hoping to find a little gem only to be disappointed but you just don't know until you try. In among the rubbish however, I have found many which I use often and these are some of them that i would recommend you download. Remember, at the time of writing, these Apps are free but they could have changed by the time you read this. In no particular order, these are my favourites.

Kindle - Amazon's Kindle App. There are over half a million books available at the Kindle Store and you can download many of these for free to read when you want to just chill.